Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chapter 2

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Carla and I stood in front of the building with Jane as we waited for Paul and Kim to pull up to take us to our new home. Carla was the quietest girl there and could use some fixing up. She stood at the curb nervously staring at her feet. I wasn't sure how old she was, but she appeared younger than me. A very nice Mercedes Benz pulled up in front of us. Paul stepped out of the driver side. I stared at the car in shock.
"My Dad drives a Mercedes." I said to myself in my head with a huge smile on my face.
Jane loaded our few bags into the trunk of the car. She gave us each a hug.
"I'll call you next week." Paul told Jane. He opened the car door. Carla and I climbed in.
"Seat belts." Kim said.
We both put our seat belts on. Paul got in and we were off in no time. He turned on the radio as a man said, "Smoooooooooth Jazz 101."
I tried not to laugh as the boring music began to play.
"It's better than hearing Gloria singing hard knock life all the time." Carla whispered with her hand over her mouth.
I giggled.
"What's that?" Kim said as if she thought Carla were talking to her.
Carla just shook her head. Kim shifted her head back to the road in front of her smiling. An hour later, we pulled up in front of a cute little white house. It looked small, but it was a two story house.
"This is home." Paul said.
"Looks like SOMEONE left their skateboard out again for people to trip on!" Kim shouted. I jumped.
We all go out of the car. "Follow me." Kim said smiling as she looked at us. Carla and I followed her into the house. I could hear some very loud rock music blasting as we made our way up the stairs.
"Aaron!" Kim screamed. She was really starting to scare me. I looked over and cought a glimpse of myself in a mirror on the wall. I brushed my hair with my fingers so it wouldn't look so ratty.
"Um, Kim. . ." Carla said with a shaky voice. "Can we get cleaned up before we meet him?"
"Oh don't be silly. He'll be like a brother. He's not going to only see you on your best days." She said. She started pounding on the door screaming his name. After a minute or so, she tried to open it. It was locked. She pounded harder.
"Closet freak." Carla whispered into my head.
I couldn't help but laugh. Kim sighed loudly. "Okay, take showers." She smiled. She showed us our bedrooms. I was excited to find out that we each got our own.
"You can shower first." Carla told me as she peaked into my room. She laughed as she walked into my room looking around. Both of our rooms were totally decked out. Totally girly, which Carla was far from girly. "Mind switching rooms?" She asked.
"Because this one is more blue. Mine is ALL pink." She said.
"Any space for me to paint skulls on the wall?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Done." I said.
Paul walked in with our things. I went to my room with my bags and unpacked a lot of it. "Kim has been saving money to take you girls shopping." Paul said. "You'll probably go shopping tomorrow. She's excited. She wants you to have a new wardrobe before school starts."
"Awesome!" I said.
Kim came out and showed us where everything was. She bad filled up with bathroom cabinets and drawers with things in hopes that we would like it all. I undressed and stepped into the shower. There were several fragrances of body washes lined up along the side of the shower. It made me laugh. I picked up the peach one and smelled it. It smelled good, so I went with that. I was quite offended when I noticed that the only shampoo was dandruf shampoo. It smelled good though, so I didn't let it get to me too much. When I was done with my shower, I dried off. I wrapped the towel around me and opened the door. I could see the steam leaving the doorway. I stepped into the hall and was startled when I noticed a really hot shirtless guy was standing in front of me.
"Jesus." He said looking me up and down. "You're suppose to be my sister?"
I was so humiliated that this was his first look at me.
"There you are." Paul said looking at Aaron.
"Uh, Dad." Aaron said, still looking at me.
Paul laughed and I ran to my room.