Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chapter 3

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was surprised that we didn't have to say grace before dinner. I was already loving this new life.
"Us girls will go shopping tomorrow." Kim said. Carla began to help her with the dinner dishes. I cleared the table.
"You girls are so polite." Kim said.
Carla smiled really big. I smiled back.
"I'm a movie collector." Kim told us. "I gave you both some of my most treasured films."
"Oh my god. Do you have Gone With The Wind?" Carla asked.
"As a matter of fact I do." Kim said.
"Can we watch it? Like tonight?" She asked.
"Of course we can." Kim said. She looked at me and I nodded smiling.
We heard Aaron's music turn on again. Kim sighed. "He is always blasting that horrible music."
I giggled.
"What kind of music do you girls listen to?" She asked.
"Rock." I answered.
Carla shrugged. "Pop I guess."
"I love music." I said. "I stole a lot when I snuck out of the stupid home."
Kim looked at me confused.
"You gotta do what you gotta do." I said. "But don't worry. I can probably get a job now and pay for my music."
"Oh. No, no. No need, dear." Kim said. "I don't expect any of you to get jobs until you graduate. School work is very important. I'd like that to be your top priorities."
Carla and I just nodded. We helped her finish cleaning the dishes and I went to my room while they watched the movie. I decided I wanted some alone time. All this new stuff was still kind of sinking in. I knew it was going to take me a long time to get use to it all. I pulled my walkman out of my bag, but then I noticed on a shelf next to my bed, there was a nice cd player with big speakers on it. I pulled out my 'Garbage' cd and popped it in. I turned it up a little, so it was loud, but not obnoxiously loud. Within seconds, there was a knock at my door. I walked over and opened it.
Aaron was standing there.
"You like music?" He asked.
I nodded. "I was kind of trying to enjoy it before you interupted."
"Well, excuuuuse me." He laughed.
I just smiled.
"Me and some friends are going out to a pool hall. Wanna come?" He asked.
"Not really." I said.
"Well, okay then." He said. "See ya."
I closed the door and layed down on my bed. I was terified of getting close to Aaron, plus I didn't have very much nice looking clothes to be meeting his friends in. Oh, and I had no idea how to shoot pool. I had only seen it played on television. I guess you could say I was sheltered, literally. I had heard about a movie called Pulp Fiction starring John Travolta. I heard it was horrible and I couldn't wait to see it. I started a list of things I wanted to see, try or do. I didn't have Nuns for teachers any longer and I wasn't stuck in a home all day and night. I was ready to start actually having a life. I opened my journal and noted the first ten things that came to mind.

1. Have sex
2. Watch Pulp Fiction
3. Smoke a Cigar (Just like Papa. It's my only memory of him.)
4. Dance in the rain
5. Make a new friend. (One that is NOT a poser.)
6. Dip my feet into a lake or ocean.
7. Not get close to Aaron (He's too hot to be my brother)
8. Drink Tequila
9. Go swimming
10. Get a pair of Converse Allstars (always been a dream of mine.)